System Analysis & Design

1) ______level supply information to strategictier for the use of top management.

Answer Is: (D) tactical


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2) technical writers generally provide the ______fo the new system

Answer Is: (D) documentation


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3) in a dfd external entities are represented by a

Answer Is: (A) rectangle


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4) _____phase is a time-consuming phase and yet a very crucial phase

Answer Is: (C) analysis ahse


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5) advantages of system flowcarts _______

Answer Is: (D) all a,b,c,


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6) sdlc stands for

Answer Is: (A) system development life cycle


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7) the actual programming of software code is done during the______step in the sdlc

Answer Is: (D) development and document


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8) a data store in a dfd represents

Answer Is: (C) a repoository of data


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9) which are the following is/are the sources for the project requests?

Answer Is: (D) all of the above


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10) the key consideration involved in the feasiblity nalysis is/are

Answer Is: (D) all of the above


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11) data store in a dfd represennts.

Answer Is: (C) a repoository of data


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12) decision making model was proposed by ______

Answer Is: (B) herbert a simon


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13) a context diagram

Answer Is: (B) is a dfd which gives an overview of the system


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14) the first step in the systems development life cycle (sdl©is….

Answer Is: (C) problem/opportunity identification


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15) a______system in no more than an idea

Answer Is: (A) conceptual


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16) which is a clear ststement of the goals and objectives of the project?

Answer Is: (C) program spacification


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17) documentation is prepared________

Answer Is: (A) at every stage


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18) how many staps are in the program development life cycle (pdlc)?

Answer Is: (B) 5


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19) _______is a tabular method for decribing the logic of the decision to be taken.

Answer Is: (A) decision tables


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20) the out put of problem definition stage is_______

Answer Is: (B) terms of refrence


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21) hipo stand for

Answer Is: (A) hierarchy input procrss output


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22) a physical dfd

Answer Is: (D) can show the flow of material


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23) ____design and implement datbase structres

Answer Is: (D) database administrators


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24) the data flow diagram is thr basic component of______system

Answer Is: (B) logical


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25) dds stands for_____

Answer Is: (C) data dictionary systems


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26) the information systerms are considered to be evoled though ____different level of the system.

Answer Is: (C) three


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27) the information ssytems are considered to be evoved thouught…..

Answer Is: (D) all of the above


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28) _______means coordinated effort,to communicate the information of the system written form

Answer Is: (A) system documentation


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29) the first task to complete in the design phase of the sdlc is to

Answer Is: (A) design alternative systems


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30) the final specifications are arrived at

Answer Is: (A) after feasibility study


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31) 8a data floe can

Answer Is: (C) may emanate and terminate in an external entity


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32) mdp atands for

Answer Is: (A) master development plan


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33) system development process is also called as___

Answer Is: (A) system development life cycle


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34) problem analysis is done during ________

Answer Is: (B) systems analysis phase


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35) statement of scope and objective opportunities and performance criteria_____

Answer Is: (A) problem definition


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36) _______is a good example of the deterministic system.

Answer Is: (B) computer program


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37) a rectabgle in a dfd represents

Answer Is: (C) an external entity


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38) the data flow between two data stores because

Answer Is: (B) logical


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39) a decision table followin is not a characteristi to be related to

Answer Is: (A) actions


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40) the first of system development is to purchase or custom design

Answer Is: (A) software


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41) the actual logic built uo for individual programs is defined in the _______

Answer Is: (D) program specifications


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42) the final step of the implementation phase of the sdls is to

Answer Is: (A) train the users


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43) the final output of____stage of sdlc is terms or refrence

Answer Is: (C) system design


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44) _______level supply information to strategic tier for the use of topmangement

Answer Is: (D) tactical


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45) after the design phase the document prepare is know as______

Answer Is: (C) design specification


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46) the make or buy decision is associated with the___step in the (sdlc)

Answer Is: (B) design


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47) in a feasibility study,the ___feasibility include a study of the organizational behavior.

Answer Is: (C) behavioral


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48) the make or software code is done during the _____step in the sdlc

Answer Is: (B) design


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49) in a dfdexternal entetities are represented by a

Answer Is: (A) rectangle


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50) ______refers to the collection of information pertinery to systerms project

Answer Is: (A) data gathering


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